Cytokeratin HMW

Clone: 34bE12
Host clonality: mouse monoclonal
Control tissue: esophagus, liver, prostate
Staining pattern: cytoplasmic
Regulatory status: IVD, FDA Class I
Product code: 60-0025-7 7mL RTU
61-0025 1mL concentrate


This antibody is useful for differentiating benign prostate gland from prostate adenocarcinoma when used in a panel of antibodies. Monoclonal antibody clone 34bE12 can be used for the demonstration of high molecular weight cytokeratinin the basal cells of prostate specimens, but due to cross-reaction to low molecular weight cytokeratin in e.g. breast epithelial cells/breast carcinoma it cannot be recommended as a general marker for high molecular weight cytokeratin. This is a useful tool when used in a panel of antibodies.
Cytokeratin HMW
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