Tissue-Tek Genie® FITC

Clone: polyclonal
Host clonality: goat polyclonal
Control tissue: placenta
Staining pattern: membraneous and/or cytoplasmic
Regulatory status: IVD, FDA Class I
Product code: 8538-C010: RTU, 10 capsules; 1 pack


Fibrinogen is a soluble blood coagulation glycoprotein. It comprises of paired sets of three sub-unites (alpha, beta and gamma). Fibrinogen polymerizes into fibrin and acts as a cofactor in platelet aggregation.
Tissue-Tek Genie<sup>&reg;</sup> FITC<br /> anti-Fibrinogen Positive staining of trophoblastic cells and positive staining in blood clots and blood vessels in normal placenta.

Positive staining of trophoblastic cells and positive staining in blood clots and blood vessels in normal placenta.
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