Tissue-Tek Genie®

Clone: 13H4
Host clonality: rabbit monocolonal
Control tissue: prostate adenocarcinoma
Staining pattern: granular and cytoplasmic
Regulatory status: IVD, FDA Class I
Product code: 8291-C010: RTU, 10 capsules; 1 pack
8291-M250: RTU, 1 cartridge, 250 tests; 1 unit


AMACR, also known as P504S, is a mitochondrial enzyme expressed in many normal epithelia such as hepatocytes, tubular epithelia of kidney, epithelia of gall bladder, bronchial epithelia of lung, and colonic surface epithelia.
Tissue-Tek Genie<sup>&reg;</sup><br /> anti-AMACR Strong staining in T-cell lymphoma (higher magnification).

Negative staining of columnar epithelial cells but strong staining in lymphoid T-cells of normal colon.
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